
Clips & Credits

Photo by Rawpixl on Unsplash

Focus Area: Work

I've written about work from two angles:  First, I've written stories about career and life-balance stories, and second, there are stories about the kind of work I do--writing, editing, and content strategy.


I've written several stories on pregnancy and the workplace (ironic, because I don't have kids!) for Parents.com, including info on How to Spot Pregnancy Discrimination  and an explainer on The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.  I have covered a few tips of the writing trade for Moxie Workshop, in stories with titles like "Write Happy, Edit Angry" and "The Art of Good-Enough Content Marketing."


I assigned and edited many stories on the home office for Bed Bath & Beyond blog, Above & Beyond, with pieces on everything from lighting and organization to decorating and productivity hacks.