Clips & Credits
Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash
Focus Area: Food & Drink
I have a surprising amount of experience in the food category for a person who, until recently, avoided going into the kitchen like it was my job. Actually, though, what has been my job? Editing recipes, assigning stories on meal prep, and helping people find the kitchen gear they need.
Waaay back in the 90s, I wrote a piece on Cleveland's burgeoning culinary scene. I've also done stories on Top Turkey Questions at Thanksgiving, guides to setting up a home bar, and the tools you need to decorate holiday cookies like a boss..
As an editorial assistant at Gourmet Magazine, I learned to edit a recipe, and to enjoy the heck out of a great restaurant. And at Above & Beyond, we published great recipes and stories on an amazing range of food topics. (Although one of my favorite items from that time is this video, which we created for the holiday baking season.)